# 浮动

# 清除浮动

# none

Is a keyword indicating that the element is not moved down to clear past floating elements.

# left

Is a keyword indicating that the element is moved down to clear past left floats.

Is a keyword indicating that the element is moved down to clear past right floats.

# both

Is a keyword indicating that the element is moved down to clear past both left and right floats.

# inline-start

Is a keyword indicating that the element is moved down to clear floats on start side of its containing block, that is the left floats on ltr scripts and the right floats on rtl scripts.

# inline-end

Is a keyword indicating that the element is moved down to clear floats on end side of its containing block, that is the right floats on ltr scripts and the left floats on rtl scripts.

参考: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/clear