

	this.src = './assets/pic404.png';
	imgEl.src = './assets/pic404.png';
  1. 不能处理后期追加的图片,如通过ajax获取数据的表格行内图片.
  2. 要在每个图片上监听onerror事件


首先想到 window.onerror,顾名思义,它用于监听页面内的错误事件,监听 JS 运行时错误很好用,可不可以监听图片资源的加载错误呢?


  1. When a JavaScript runtime error occurs, an error event using interface ErrorEvent is fired at window and window.onerror() is invoked (as well as handlers attached by window.addEventListener (not only capturing)).

  2. When a resource (such as an <img> or <script>) fails to load, an error event using interface Event is fired at the element, that initiated the load, and the onerror() handler on the element is invoked. These error events do not bubble up to window, but (at least in Firefox) can be handled with a single capturing window.addEventListener.

发现:image 或 script 等相关资源加载失败时,确实会触发 onerror 事件,但仅在 image 或 script 本身上触发,且不支持冒泡.

但,可以支持捕获阶段的 window.addEventListener('error'),所以想到如下代码:

import nonImagePath from './assets/pic404.png'
window.addEventListener( 'error', function(e){
	if(e.type == 'error' && e.target.constructor === window.HTMLImageElement){
		e.target.src = nonImagePath;
}, true )	//注意加true,使用事件的捕获阶段

可行 😃